Follow Your Child's Lead

Have you ever tried to get your child interested in a game or a new toy, only to be met with disinterest? Even when you do your best to persuade them, you may only get a few responses or none at all. Instead, why not join in on their current fascination with the leaves blowing or the ants crawling on the floor? You'll likely find that your little one is now happily engaged!

By engaging with your child in what they are already interested in during playtime, you are creating opportunities for shared joy. It is far simpler for you to join in with your child's interests than it is for them to take an interest in yours, and it is much easier for you to change your focus than it is for them.

Adopting the lead of the child includes allowing them to initiate and direct their own activities and interactions, rather than implementing a predetermined or structured plan. This idea is based on the understanding that children are unique, with their own talents, interests, and necessities, and can benefit from an individualized and flexible learning and support system. By following the child's lead, adults can help the child cultivate their cognitive, communication, and social skills, and support their natural curiosity and creativity. This includes providing a stimulating and caring environment, and being attentive to the child's interest, signals, and needs in a supportive and nurturing manner. Additionally, it involves encouraging the child to participate in activities that are enjoyable and stimulating to them, and to augment their skills and abilities over time. This technique can make the child feel respected and valued, and can help to create a positive and meaningful connection with others.








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